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micro fat transfer

Micro and Nano Fat Transfer

Micro and nano fat transfer are cosmetic procedures that include taking small quantity of fat from one part of the body and transferring it to another area to add volume and to boost skin texture.
nano fat transfer
micro fat transfer

Micro fat transfer is injecting very small amounts of fat (usually less than 0.5 cc) and injecting it into the target area using a microneedle. nano fat transfer This method is usually used to add volume to areas such as the, hands, face and breasts.

Nano fat transfer is a relatively new method that includes taking even smaller amounts of fat (less than 0.1 cc) and injecting it into the target area using a finer needle. best med spa for instant facelift in Orlando This procedure is commonly used to enhance skin texture, reduce the minimize fine lines and wrinkles, and increase collagen formation.

Both micro and nano fat transfer in Orlando have been considered safe and effective therapy when performed by a trained and experienced cosmetic surgeon Dr. J, M.D. Micro and nano fat transfer may have various advantages, including:

  • The Natural-looking results, Since the fat employed in these procedures delivers from your own body, the results seem and feel more natural than other kinds of fillers. fat transfer from stomach to buttocks
  • Micro and nano fat transfer can provide long-lasting results, with some patients seeing improvements for several years after treatment.
  • This type of treatment is minimally invasive and typically often involve little to no downtime, meaning you can return to your daily activities soon after treatment.
  • Micro and nano fat transfer can be used to increased volume to a wide range of areas, such as hands, breasts, face, and buttocks, as well as to enhance skin texture and lessen the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Dr. J best anti-aging doctor in Orlando
  • Since the fat utilized in these therapies deliver from your own body, there is little chance of allergic reactions.
  • In addition to its cosmetic advantages, micro and nano fat transfer may provide potential health advantages, such as boosting collagen production and enhancing skin quality.

Dr. J, M.D. Certificated Physician

An American board-certified physician with more than 25 years’ of experience in medical history. anti-aging clinic He has established a wide range of treatment plans and approaches for the benefit of his patients. Sexual dysfunction Orlando Dr. J, M.D. certificated physician specializing in Micro and nano fat transfer treatment, liposuction, lip filler, laser hair removal etc.

micro and nano fat transfer
The method includes harvesting fat from a donor area using liposuction manner, and then injecting the fat into the target area with a small needle.

Micro and nano fat transfer can be used to increase volume to a variety of places, such as the face, hands, breasts breast fat transfer , and buttocks, as well as enhance skin texture and lessen the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

During the treatment, most patients have little to no pain during the procedure, and any discomfort can be controlled with local anesthesia or sedation.
The procedure basically takes between one and three hours, depending on the size and number of areas being treated.
Most patients can back to their daily activities within a 1 or 2 days of the procedure, although some swelling and bruising may happen.

The results of micro and nano fat transfer leave long term result’s, with some noticing benefits for several years following therapy

At clinic we have a well-trained staff. We give very comfortable environment for patients. Dr. J best anti-aging doctor in Orlando. our well-trained staff our qualified staff is always available for answer your all questions regarding treatment, we are offering free conclusion Those patients who are looking for improving their overall quality of life so schedule your chargeless conclusion now.

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