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Why Do Women Experience Female Sexual Dysfunction?

Get Effective Female Sexual Dysfunction Treatment

Now get 100% effective female sexual dysfunction treatment in Orlando. At our medical centre Dr. J’s Anti-Aging Clinic, we are centered in providing outclass treatments for women’s sexual health. Find us in 7300 Sand Lake Commons Blvd Ste 227 L, Orlando, FL 32819 to get the best treatments for female sexual dysfunction Orlando. Call us today at (407) 972-1197 for earliest appointments. 

Get Effective Female Sexual Dysfunction Treatment
Why Do Women Experience Female Sexual Dysfunction?

Why Do Women Experience Female Sexual Dysfunction?

Female sexual dysfunction is a kind of persistent issue that deals with problems in having sexual response, low feeling of sexual desire, inability to reach orgasm and experiencing pain while intercourse. This eventually leads to a decline in women’s sexual health. Here is a closer look at what are the other factors that lead to female sexual dysfunction Orlando: 

  • Deficiency of estrogen: Low level of estrogen often leads to female sexual dysfunction. This happens during menopause and eventually results in overall vaginal dryness, thinning and the loss of laxity in the vaginal tissues and gradually reduces action in the sexual desire.
  • Imbalances of androgen: Testosterone which is an androgen when drops, affects females and leads to low sex drive. In this case women need to go for lower libido treatment or a professional female sexual dysfunction treatment. 
  • Thyroid disturbances: An abnormal increase or decrease in the thyroid hormone can cause disturbances in the overall thyroid hormonal balance. It also eventually leads to tiredness, low libido and loss of sexual satisfaction. 
  • Menopause: The most prime reason for female sexual dysfunction is menopause that causes fluctuation in hormonal levels and leads to physical discomfort. Such women end up with diminished interest in intimacy. 

How Do We Analyze Women’s Sexual Health?

Before we explain the female sexual dysfunction treatments in Dr. J’s Anti-Aging Clinic, let us first let you know the pattern of diagnosis we follow for analyzing and evaluating women’s sexual health:

  • History: Our specialist will first take an interview recording all the details regarding your sexual and medical history. In this stage, we will also identify any psychological issues that require low libido treatment. 
  • Pelvic exam: Our specialist will do a pelvic exam which is one of the best practices to analyze female sexual dysfunction Orlando. 
  • Blood tests: To check sexual health conditions and diseases our specialist will run a series of hormonal blood tests.

Get Our Treatments for Female Sexual Dysfunction Orlando

  • Psychotherapy: We refer females to psychosexual therapists to help them with mental issues leading to FSD. 
  • Educating patients: We counsel women how to overcome sexual fears. 
  • Couples therapy: Our specialist will have a one-to-one discussion with couples to evaluate problems leading to female sexual dysfunction. 
  • Medications: Dr. J.M.D will prescribe the relevant medications for low libido treatment or hormonal imbalance. 
  • Professional treatments: Our specialist will recommend women to undergo professional treatments like p-shot as a part of female sexual dysfunction treatment. 

Book an appointment at Dr. J’s Anti-Aging with highly experienced specialist Dr. J.M.D for an effective treatment of female sexual dysfunction Orlando. 

Get Our Treatments for Female Sexual Dysfunction Orlando

FSD can take place at any age of life. However, women approaching menopause or those who lie between 51-59 years of age should go for a female sexual dysfunction treatment. 

Hormonal changes mostly menopause, diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases or psychological issues are the common reasons why women experience female sexual dysfunction. 

The best low libido treatment is to get tested for female sexual dysfunction first so that the underlying cause can be signified. 

The longevity of FSD treatments depends on the severity of the condition, the response to the treatments and other factors like lifestyle or age. 

If you are looking for the best female sexual dysfunction Orlando, then Dr. J’s Anti-Aging Clinic is the best spot with experienced professionals and high quality treatments. 

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